Definition of Cottage industry

1. Noun. Small-scale industry that can be carried on at home by family members using their own equipment.

Generic synonyms: Industry, Manufacture

Definition of Cottage industry

1. Noun. A job or occupation carried out at home or on a part-time basis. ¹

2. Noun. A small-scale industry, with relatively few employees or a limited customer base or low economic impact. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Cottage Industry

cottage cheese
cottage dweller
cottage fries
cottage hospital
cottage hospitals
cottage industries
cottage industry
cottage pie
cottage pies
cottage pink
cottage tent
cottage tulip

Literary usage of Cottage industry

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Foundations of Indian Economics by Radhakamal Mukerjee (1916)
"CHAPTER V THE INDUSTRIAL PROBLEM OF INDIA—continued (c) The Case for the Cottage Industry IN the last chapter we have considered the small workshops and the ..."

2. The Quarterly Review by William Gifford, George Walter Prothero, John Gibson Lockhart, John Murray, Whitwell Elwin, John Taylor Coleridge, Rowland Edmund Prothero Ernle, William Macpherson, William Smith (1896)
"It is easy to understand how a cottage industry, carried on without skilled supervision, and with no more training of young hands than the mother of a ..."

3. Peace Problems: Russia's Economics by N. Nordman (1919)
"The principal cottage industry is wood-working, mostly the manufacture of articles ... The manufacture of metals was likewise an important cottage industry, ..."

4. Federal Antitrust Policy in the Health Care Marketplace: Hearing Before the edited by Orrin G. Hatch (1997)
"This gives organizations with strong regional market presence significant economic savings improvement opportunities that the smaller cottage industry ..."

5. An Introduction to the English Historians by Charles Austin Beard (1906)
"... sources of income, and their terms of employment were affected by the state of trade. So long as cottage industry lasted, the workmen had something to ..."

6. An Introduction to the English Historians by Charles Austin Beard (1906)
"... sources of income, and their terms of employment were affected by the state of trade. So long as cottage industry lasted, the workmen had something to ..."

7. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893: Official Catalogue by Moses Purnell Handy (1893)
"... cottage industry. Embroidered linen quilt. SCOTLAND. In Conjunction with the Scottish Home Industries Association. President: Countess of Aberdeen. ..."

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